Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 10

I am writing this at 1:30 a.m. Wow, are we ever bushed! We walked miles today. We drove the van to the Greenbelt Metro Station and bought everyone an all day Metro pass so that we could go everywhere on one pass.
   Our first stop was up by the Capitol building where we went to the Library of Congress in the Jefferson building. We had a tour guide take us all over the library.
Library of Congress

Library heart....

Main entrance in the Library of Congress

Metro trains....tunnels under the!

Some of the metro exits were very steep!

She was so knowledgeable. We need to take the virtual tour online again to see what we've missed. Loved seeing the Gutenberg Bible and Thomas Jefferson's library. From there, we walked across the street to the Capitol visitors center and then took their walking tour with audio earphones. That was super great.
Wished we could have had more time there to walk around and explore. 
It seemed smaller than on television, but beautiful. There were activists across the street as we passed. Something about Egypt. We hadn't seen news in so long we weren't sure what that was all about.

    We walked  to Chinatown and ate. We got back on the metro and went all the way down to the Pentagon Memorial and walked around to see the 184 plus names on the memorials.
Each of the wings came from the ground with names on each representing each person that died. Under the wing is water and lights. It's supposed to be very beautiful at night.
That took a long time to walk. #1dd was pooped on by a bird on her back and hair. We went down to the metro again and then on to Arlington. On the way, the girls saw their first glimpses of fireflies!  The cemetery was closed for the night so we again walked and walked across the Potomac Bridge over to the Lincoln Memorial  That is where we felt like we needed to pinch ourselves that we were there! We took pictures and sat on the stairs overlooking the mall and the Capitol. We walked over to the Vietnam memorial and walked the pathway of names. We then walked and walked some more back down to our Metro Station. We transferred twice and then on to the greenline and back to our van. Our feet felt like bloody stubs! 

   We drove ten miles or so to the Washington DC temple. Only one side of the temple was lit. It was HUGE and very beautiful. On to the hotel and to bed! Wonderful, exhausting day! 

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