Tuesday, September 21, 2010

State Fair

A sweet friend came to visit us on the weekend. My dh and number 3 daughter took her fishing and then on the return we all went to the state fair. Here is a fun picture of the afternoon

This says, Use it up. Wear it out. Make do or Do without.

My favorite part is walking through and getting inspiration from all the fantastic quilts and handmade goodies that were in one of the buildings. I saw a fun jeans quilt. It looked very simple and really cute. It looked easy to make. The blocks are about 6 inches square. The layout is nine by nine squares and randomly the quilter put embroidered sayings and cute cut-outs appliqued on some of them. She framed some of the jean squares with cute fabrics. It was quilted by machine without batting, keeping it lightweight. Cute!

Another milestone happened that night. Daughter#3 went to her first teen dance over at the institute. She came home with glowing reports. :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yippee! He got there safely! A twenty hour flight and nervous jitters for all involved! He called from Miami before boarding a plane to Buenos Aires. He was nervous but anxious to get going! These pictures were taken by the mission president and posted on their blog. We got to see these a few days after he arrived. He is the cute one in a light green tie and huge grin!The next picture is of the fabulous fourteen in front of the Asuncion temple and then with their trainers, in the white shirts.If you are counting, there were 14 from the states and four from South America that joined them.

County Fair

Abbie having a heart to heart with Lula Belle the cow.

It has been a wild and crazy month. A lot of activities have happened in our family. The week of August 15th, we went to Burley, Idaho for the Cassia County Fair and specifically to be with family at a fun time of year. There are so many memories connected with the fair. This year was the 100th year anniversary of the county fair. My sisters and a few of their kids went up too.
First it starts out as a non-stop cooking frenzy. Everything made throughout the year is entered on Monday afternoon. Judging is on Tuesday. The parade is on Wednesday.

Grandpa's go-cart is always a fun thing to do while all the moms are gritting their teeth hoping the kids don't plow into something.

We all went to the open class building to see what ribbons and awards we received. Our family won quite a few! Here shows Jessica with a winning ribbon for her scrapbook and got a gift certificate. Celeste won a huge blue ribbon for her quilted doll slumber blanket. The rodeo on Thursday night was fun. There was a bull that didn't want to get out of the arena and then of course the scones and corn on the cob is always great!

Swimming at the Burley pool.