Tues. June 25th
What we have planned for and worked toward is finally here! Can't believe it's time for vacation. Not just any vacation, one in a real airplane and farther away than Wyoming and Colorado. The girls were way excited to get to the airport. We hitched grandpa's trailer on behind the truck, loaded all our suitcases and headed north. Our airplane left at 12:30 a.m. Our first layover was in Detroit. We saw beautiful lightning storms while on the plane. We strolled over to another terminal to get to another flight into Manchester, NH. We arrived about 8:30 a.m. where we waited for a shuttle van to take us to Enterprise rental to pick up our van. It is a nice van, a blue, brand new, GMC stow-and-go. Loved all the room for us.

Wasn't very tired because we were all keyed up for the fun events of the day. We drove to our hotel in Wakefield, MA. We zoomed as fast as we could to Fenway Park to get there in time for the Red Sox vs. Rockies game. DH had a horrible time finding a parking spot. We also quickly learned that Bostonians are honk-happy. Wow. if you don't go quickly on a green you get tons of honks.
We left the game early when the Rockies were too far behind to catch up.
We drove to find a dinner spot. We ate cheese pizza on the square in Woeburn, MA. The weather is muggy and hot. It has been overcast all day. Heard that there was flash flooding and the company we were using to float down the Delaware called and cancelled our trip. (sad) We found a Walmart and picked up a few things like a styrofoam cooler and snacks then drove to the hotel. What a fun and very long day.!