It's quilt shop hop again! #3 dd and I went yesterday to a few shops. The theme of the hop is The Greatest Quilt I Ever Read. Each shop chose a book to make their theme. The decorations, games and goodies are centered around that theme. Here is one of our favorite shops called Quilts Etc. It's theme was Sherlock Holmes. They were all decked out in English policeman's outfits. We played mystery games and had pulled pork sandwiches. Yum!

Another shop had The "Twilight" theme. They had the characters' quotes from the movie placed in frames everywhere and larger than life photos of all of the characters. They served red velvet cake pops with white icing. Here is a quilt that I just loved hanging in one of the rooms. It comes from the book "Quilt Obsessions"

Here is #3 with Edward. She looks a little frightened. He was looking like he was hungry!

One shop which will remain nameless had not done much with their theme but I really loved this quilt that was hanging above the bolts. Had to purchase the pattern!Great for scraps!

Today was dh's day off so we took off to the Salt Lake Temple after #2dd's class. We had a really nice time. We went out for lunch at a mexican dive that turned out to be really good food. In other words, don't judge the food by a grungy exterior.Here's a picture of the gang when finished at the temple. What a beautiful day! Our valley is being blessed because the weather is unseasonably cold. It is slowing the run off from the mountains which will delay the flooding that was predicted.