A sweet friend came to visit us on the weekend. My dh and number 3 daughter took her fishing and then on the return we all went to the state fair. Here is a fun picture of the afternoon

This says, Use it up. Wear it out. Make do or Do without.
My favorite part is walking through and getting inspiration from all the fantastic quilts and handmade goodies that were in one of the buildings. I saw a fun jeans quilt. It looked very simple and really cute. It looked easy to make. The blocks are about 6 inches square. The layout is nine by nine squares and randomly the quilter put embroidered sayings and cute cut-outs appliqued on some of them. She framed some of the jean squares with cute fabrics. It was quilted by machine without batting, keeping it lightweight. Cute!
Another milestone happened that night. Daughter#3 went to her first teen dance over at the institute. She came home with glowing reports. :)